Enhancing Indigenous Cultural Understanding: A Case Study on Banaam’s Collaboration with SU Australia

Banaam alliance weaving natural materials
Banaam has been instrumental in fostering cultural understanding and inclusivity among various organisations in Australia, including SU Australia, a non-profit organisation focused on children and families.

The Project:

SU Australia, committed to serving diverse communities, sought to enhance their staff’s cultural understanding to better connect with Indigenous children, families, and communities. Recognising the value of Banaam’s expertise, SU Australia engaged in a partnership with Banaam for tailored Indigenous cultural capability training. The project aimed to achieve the following goals:

  • Enhance cultural awareness and understanding among SU Australia’s staff.
  • Promote personal and professional growth among staff members.
  • Foster stronger relationships between SU Australia and the Indigenous communities they serve.
  • Establish ongoing support and collaboration between Banaam and SU Australia.

The Outcome:

Banaam’s training had a significant positive impact on SU Australia, leading to improved Cultural Understanding. Cheree Toka, SU Australia’s Indigenous Engagement Coordinator, said, “Banaam’s training helped us understand the importance of connecting with our own identity and culture, and how that positively impacts the children and young people we work with.”

The training provided staff members with tools and understanding to better connect with Indigenous children and young people as well as fostered stronger relationships between SU Australia’s staff and the Indigenous communities they serve. 

The collaboration between Banaam and SU Australia demonstrates the significant value of Indigenous cultural capability training in promoting inclusivity and cultural understanding. Through their partnership, SU Australia has been able to enhance its support for Indigenous children and families, showcasing the transformative potential of Banaam’s training.

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